Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday, Emery!

Wow! Our little guy is already 2 years old! What a joy it has been to watch him grow and become his own little person. He is an absolute blessing. We are looking forward to this year of "terrific twos!"

We asked what Emery wanted to do for his birthday and he told us "go bowling!" So, that is what we did. Emery's godmother Cheryl and Randy joined us at Snow Bowl and we had a great time. Josie was with us, was a party!

Emery started his day off with candles in his peanut butter pancakes.

Bowling with two year old can prove to be interesting. Emery would roll the ball to the end of the lane and then a grown up would give it an extra push to get it down the lane. They put the gutter guards up for him...but they proved helpful for the parents as well!

Emery got lots of fun "Cars" themed fishing gear (fishing pole, life jacket, sunglasses, tackle box, power bait, etc.) from Randy and Cheryl. He was so excited! Now, if he can just catch fish as well as his daddy does!

We went for Italian food after the bowling extravaganza. He got tiramisu for his birthday dessert. He thought it was quite yummy. It may be the only time he gets a dessert laced with sugar and espresso right before bed!

Emery and his fairy godmother Cheryl.

He does love her so!!

One big happy family...2 years and lots and lots of love. (Thanks, Josie, for taking the picture!)