Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year for Halloween Emery dressed up as "Max" from the children's book Where the Wild Things Are.

Emery as "Max."

Emery in his wolf suit admiring his daddy's handy work on his annual "Steal Your Face" Jack-O-Lantern. GOGD

He was very excited to put on his costume when he woke up from his nap at 4pm and kept in on until 10:30 that night. We went downtown for Steamboat's annual Trick or Treat street. It was really nice weather and Emery loved collecting all the candy and seeing all the other kids (and adults) dressed up in their costumes.

On our way to trick or treat street.

"Let the wild rumpus start!"

Emery and Hill in the "Haunted Hallway" at a local Real Estate office.

"And he tamed them with the magic trick of starting into all their yellow eyes..."
The staff at the local book store was so excited to see a Emery dressed up as a literary character that they had him pose for pictures with their "Wild Thing" stuffed animal.

Wild Thing, I think I love you.

The whole family...pretty scary crew, huh?

After trick or treating, we headed out to Kim & Peter Kreissig's house for a Halloween party. They had their house decked out and Pete had constructed a haunted house in their garage. (Hill was one of the spooks inside). It was a great time and Emery loved dancing with the big kids and playing with Jake and Taylor's toys.

Emery walking through the haunted archway up Kim & Pete's driveway.

Emery with Auntie Cheryl and Kimmers.

Emery with his daddy the spook...doesn't Emery look terrified? :-)

Emery with his buddy the Carving Cowboy and a steaming cauldron of Monster Juice.

A kiss from his fairy godmother disguised tonight as the blue M & M.

On the way home, Emery announced that Halloween was his FAVORITE day!
A movie based on Where the Wild Things Are is coming out next October. And guess who the screen play writer is? Dave Eggers! Isn't that WILD? He is also releasing a novel next year based on the book to coincide with the release of the movie. Dave is an author who first became acquainted with Hill's sister Amy through correspondence about one of his first books. He worked closely with Hill's mom for a fundraiser for the Webb-Waring Institute and gave a very generous donation for cancer research. He later climbed Kilimanjaro with Hill and his brother and sister. Maybe we should forward a picture of Emery and see if he needs a model for his cover artwork!


J & J said...

Love it! The weather looks much nicer than it was last year. I can't believe that Emery wasn't afraid of his daddy dressed up so scary. Sam was even scared of our neighbors semi-scary carved pumpkin. We missed the community event that Halloween is in Steamboat. What was Annie for the party? Miss you guys....

Anonymous said...

Emery looks adorable!! What a great costume, I especially love the tail! Steamboat is so much fun on Halloween, we wish we could have been there with you guys! Give Emery love from us....

Shan said...

Hi! I just noticed you follow my blog so I though I'd check yours out:) I LOVE that costume! He was a perfect Max (a book still deemed to scary to be read at our house). Boys are so different from girls!

Anyway, hello:)